Operational areas

Offering apps in multiple currencies

A guide to setting up payment for your apps in local currencies

  1. Overview

    The challenge

    If you make an app available in multiple overseas markets and, therefore, multiple currencies, how complicated will arranging payment be?

    Your aim

    To show your app cost and charge app purchasers in their local currency, but collect payment in yours.

    How to go about it

    If you're in a location that supports merchant registration, it’s a simple matter to offer apps in multiple currencies through Google Play.

    It works like this. Google Play customers will see the app offered — and be charged — in their local currency. But payment will be issued in the currency set by you in the Play Console.

  2. Setting up prices: free or paid

    With your Play Console, you can set your app as free or paid, select your app's country availability, and opt-in to distribute your app to additional Android devices and programs.

    Make your app free or paid

    1. Go to your Play Console
    2. Select an app
    3. Select Store presence > Pricing & distribution
    4. Next to This application is, select Free or Paid


    You can change your app cost from Paid to Free. But, once your app has been offered Free, if you want to permanently charge for it, you need to create a new app with a new package name and set a price.

    If you're interested in temporarily offering your apps for free or at a discounted price, consider the following:

    Enter a price

    When you offer applications and in-app products on Google Play, you receive 70% of the app payments. There's a 30% transaction fee.

    Paid apps

    To set up costs for your app:

    1. Set up a payments profile. You'll use the Play Console to specify your tax rates

    2. Review our list of currencies and price ranges allowed by country

    3. On the Pricing & distribution page in your Play Console, enter a price

    We'll use the price that you enter as the base for calculating market-specific prices. We'll convert your price to the local currency, add tax (in select countries) and apply locally relevant pricing patterns and valid exchange rates for the date on which you set the price for your app. You can manually refresh the price to ensure that the local price reflects the latest exchange rate.

    The price that you enter will be used in all countries without local currency support.

    In-app items

    To set up prices for in-app items, find out how to administer in-app billing.

    View or update local prices

    Use default local prices

    1. On your Pricing & distribution page, select individual countries or tick the box next to Select all countries

    2. In the Price column, review the local prices for each country

    Local prices use today's exchange rate and country-specific pricing patterns. If a country doesn't support local currency, the price that you entered for your default currency will be used instead.

    Update default local prices

    To update local prices to use today's exchange rate and country-specific pricing patterns:

    1. Next to the countries that you want to update, tick the box(es)

    2. Select Refresh exchange rates

    To set your own local price:

    1. Next to the country that you want to update, select Edit

    2. Type the price that you want to offer

    3. Select Apply

    For more information, go to offer apps in multiple currencies.

  3. Setting up prices: same prices for multiple items

    You can use pricing templates to set up or manage the same set of prices for multiple paid apps and in-app products. If you update a pricing template, all items linked to the template will use the template’s latest prices.


    Ensure that you have Edit shop listing, pricing & distribution permission for each app that you want to include in a pricing template. If you lose access to a template you created, check if someone added an app to the template which you don't have permission to.

    Add items to a pricing template

    1. Go to your Play Console
    2. Select Settings > Pricing template > New pricing template
    3. Name your template
    4. Enter a price. We'll use this price as the base for calculating market-specific prices. We'll convert your price to the local currency, add tax (in select countries) and apply locally relevant pricing patterns and valid exchange rates for the date on which you set the price for your app. You can manually refresh the price to ensure that the local price reflects the latest exchange rate. The price that you enter will be used in all countries without local currency support.

    5. Choose whether you want to include tax in the price you entered. For example, if your default price is £9.99 and you want all prices in the UK market to be £9.99 (regardless of country-specific tax rates), select Price includes applicable tax. If you don't select this option, tax will be added onto your price by default. This means that we'll take your default price of £9.99 and add the applicable tax per country.

    6. Review local prices
    7. Select Create template
    8. Go to the Linked items tab
    9. In the Link in-app products and Link paid apps sections, select an app name. If you're linking in-app products, choose from the list of in-app products for that app

    10. Select Link. When you've successfully linked an item, it will appear under the Linked items section

    Refresh exchange rates within a pricing template

    After you've created a pricing template, you can update local prices to use today's exchange rate and country-specific pricing patterns.

    1. Go to your Play Console
    2. Select Settings > Pricing Template
    3. Select a pricing template
    4. In the Country column, check the box(es) next to the countries that you want to refresh
    5. At the top of the Local prices section, select Refresh exchange rates. If the Refresh exchange rates button is greyed out, make sure that you've selected at least one country

    6. Select Save

    Remove items from a pricing template

    1. Go to your Play Console
    2. Select Setting > Pricing Template
    3. Select a template and then the Linked Items tab
    4. Next to the item that you want to remove, select Unlink

    Note. You won't be able to unlink any items that are on sale. You'll need to stop the sale or wait until the sale completes before you can make any changes to the template.

  4. Choosing distribution settings

    If your apps include features for other Android devices or are eligible for additional programmes, you can choose to distribute your apps to these devices and/or programmes.

    Near the top of your app's Pricing & distribution page, you'll see active icons for devices and programmes where you're distributing your app. To see how to distribute your app to a device or programme, click one of the icons.

    For some devices and programmes, you may see the following status icons:

    reviewed Your app is being reviewed
    rejected Your app has an issue or has been rejected

    Specific devices and programmes

    Android Wear

    If your app includes Android Wear features, you can opt-in for potential inclusion in Android Wear collections on Google Play.

    Before you opt in, you need to upload a Wear screenshot. Once you opt in and publish your app, our teams will review your app to help ensure that it follows the Wear App Quality Guidelines.

    Find out more about how to distribute your app to Android Wear.

    Android TV

    To distribute your app for Android TV, you need to add a Leanback launch intent to your app and upload a TV banner image and screenshots.

    Our team reviews apps for usability with a DPAD (apps) and Gamepad (games only) and other quality guidelines.

    Android Auto

    Before you can distribute your app to Android Auto, you need to accept the Android Auto terms and conditions available on your Pricing & distribution page. After you've accepted the terms and conditions, you can upload your Android Auto-enabled apps.

    Your app will be reviewed for compliance with driver distraction guidelines. Until your app is approved, your app or app update won't be published to the Play Store.

    To remove your app from Android Auto distribution, remove the Auto manifest entry from your APK and submit an update.


    If you have built a stand-alone virtual reality app, you can opt in for potential inclusion to Daydream. Qualifying as a Daydream app will make it easier for Daydream users to discover your app on Google Play and allows your app to appear in Play Store VR.

    Requirements and eligibility

    Before you can opt in, you need to:


    1. Sign into Play Console
    2. Select an app
    3. On the left menu, select Store presence > Store listing
    4. Under Graphic assets, go to the Phone tab
    5. To upload your image, click Add a 360 degree stereoscopic image
    6. Once you've uploaded your image, go to your Pricing & distribution page
    7. Select Distribute your app on Daydream
    8. Choose a motion intensity. For more information, go to the Google VR site
    9. Save your changes. Once you've submitted your information, your app will be reviewed for eligibility to Daydream.


    1. Sign into Play Console
    2. Select an app
    3. On the left menu, select Store presence > Pricing & distribution
    4. Uncheck Distribute your app on Daydream

    Age-based audience guidelines

    Primarily Child-Directed

    You must declare whether your app is primarily directed to children under the age of 13, as defined by COPPA

    To make your Primarily Child-Directed Declaration:

    1. Sign into the Play Console
    2. Select an app
    3. On the left menu, select Store presence > Pricing & distribution
    4. Scroll down to the Primarily Child-Directed section and make your selection
    5. Save your changes

    Note. All primarily child-directed apps are required to opt-in to Designed for Families

    Designed for Families

    Apps that are primarily child-directed must participate in the Designed for Families programme.

    If your app is not primarily child-directed but is designed for kids and families, you can opt in for inclusion in the Designed for Families programme. The Google Play team reserves the right to disqualify content that appears inappropriate for families for any reason.

    Requirements & eligibility

    Before you can opt in, your app needs:

    1. To meet the Designed for Families programme requirements
    2. A completed content rating questionnaire with an ESRB Everyone or Everyone 10+ rating
    3. A privacy policy on your app's Store Listing page


    If your apps have ads, they need to comply with the policy and quality guidelines in the Developer Policy Centre

    Family Library

    With Family Library, up to six family members can share purchased apps on Google Play.

    Opt-in previous purchases to Family Library

    By default, all paid apps purchased after 2 July 20161 are eligible for Family Library.

    To provide a seamless user experience, we suggest that you allow users to share purchases made prior to this date as well.

    To opt-in previous purchases (paid apps only):

    1. Sign in to your Play Console
    2. Select a paid app
    3. Select Store presence > Pricing & distribution
    4. Tick Family Library.

    Users will see whether previous purchases of your app are eligible for Family Library on your shop listing page.

    App requirements & eligibility

    Once you've made previous purchases available for Family Library and submitted your app update in the Play Console, you can't opt-out – your selection is permanent.

    Your app doesn't need to be part of Designed for Families to be included in Family Library.

    Managed Google Play

    If you're a developer in the US or Canada and you want to distribute paid apps on managed Google Play, you can make your app available for bulk purchase and distribution to devices running managed Google Play.

    To opt in, carefully review the terms and conditions and accept them before your app can be distributed to managed Google Play.


    If you have free apps, there's no need to opt-in. Free apps are automatically available to devices running managed Google Play.

    Google Play for Education

    If you have an education app and want to reach more teachers and students, you can opt in for inclusion in the Educator recommended section of Google Play for Education.

    Find out more about Google Play for Education.


    You should declare whether or not your app contains ads (like ads delivered through third party ad networks, display ads, native ads and/or banner ads) on your app's Pricing & Distribution page. Apps that contain ads will have a Contains ads label shown on their Store Listing page.


    The Contains ads label isn't meant to cover whether an app contains other kinds of commercial content, such as paid product placement or offers, to make in-app purchases or upgrades. If your app includes paid product placements, make sure that they comply with local laws.

    Distribute apps outside Google Play

    Distributing your apps through Google Play is non-exclusive; you may choose to distribute your applications through other channels as well. Keep in mind the version published in the store must comply with all Google Play policies.

    Helpful links

    1. When the Developer Distribution Agreement update took effect 

  5. Payment

    Payment will be issued to your bank account in the currency that matches your payments profile. You can't select the payment currency or receive payment in a currency other than the currency associated with your Google account or your domestic bank account.

    On the orders page of your account, you'll see the currency the buyer paid. If the currency for the order doesn't match your payments profile, Google will convert the value to your currency. Payment for orders made in local currencies will follow your normal payment schedule.

    Exchange rates

    Google uses the exchange rate at the time that the order is placed. You'll see the exchange rate in your order receipt for each app.


    Refunds will be issued in the same currency as the order and changes in exchange rates won't affect the refund amount. Any debits applied to your payments profile for chargebacks will use the exchange rate from when the order was placed.

    For more information, read about refunds and cancellations.

    Local currency support

    When Google adds support for a new buyer currency in a country where you already distribute your app, we'll automatically generate a price for your app based on your app's default price, the current exchange rate and locally relevant pricing patterns.

    You can review your app's prices on your app's Pricing & Distribution page.