Frequently asked questions
1 General
Do I have to pay to use Market Finder?
Both the full and lite versions are offered at no charge - all you need to do is login using your Gmail account.
What is Market Finder and how can it help my business?
Market Finder is a platform provided by Google, which helps you expand your business into international markets. Market Finder is divided into 3 categories, providing customized market insights to help identify which markets to target, set up your operations and market your business in suggested new markets.
How does Market Finder work?
Market Finder is divided into 3 stages:
- Find new opportunities
- Plan your operations
- Market your business
You will be asked to provide a link to the website of your business, from which we will pull the category of product that you sell or the services you offer. Based on these, Market Finder will generate your suggested markets. This is to help ensure that each stage is tailored to your business, whether you're already exporting to multiple markets or are in the initial planning of your first step abroad. You can save up to 3 suggested markets to a shortlist, which is accessible through your Market Finder account.
Does Market Finder cater to all businesses?
Market Finder caters to businesses across many different sizes, industries, and growth stages.
What information is used to assess different markets?
The suggested markets are generated based on a number of factors including the average number of monthly Google searches per product or service, the cost-per-click that advertisers are paying for keywords, and GDP annual growth in each economy. Further information is profiled to give an understanding of the business prospects in each country.
Can Market Finder be used if my business is already exporting to a suggested market?
Yes, the tool operates as a 3 stage process. If your business is already exporting to a particular market but you require extra help on operations or marketing, for example, you can use these resources independently.
Can different parts of the business access my account (for example, a subsidiary company)?
You will be able to access your Market Finder account with one set of login credentials. Group companies can access the tool using this account only.
What is the difference between the full tool and lite version of Market Finder?
The full version of the tool requires email sign in. It provides full market suggestions and data insights; allows access to all guides, resources, and tools; and saves your markets to a personalized dashboard.
The lite version of the tool doesn’t require email sign in. It provides simple market suggestions; allows access to some guides, resources, and tools; and does not have a personalized dashboard for saving markets.
How do I reset my business details?
Log into your Gmail account and go to the Dashboard. Click on ‘Settings’ and follow the steps in ‘Edit my business story’. You can then edit your selected preferences from any of the 3 Market Finder stages.
Can Market Finder connect my business with customers?
Market Finder is a platform which offers a hub of information to help you reach new customers globally. It does not facilitate transactions or direct contact with customers.
Can I activate/deactivate my account?
Click the ‘Settings’ tab and at the bottom of the page there is a button labeled ‘Delete my account’. This will delete all the data submitted in Market Finder, and disconnects the tool from your Google account. Please note that it does not delete or alter your Google account.
2 Operations
How can I make sure my customer service and care is effective when expanding to new markets abroad?
Check out Market Finder’s Customer Care page for our insights on how to scale customer care without compromizing on quality.
I am not sure I am accepting all local methods of payment in my export markets. How can I see what the most popular payment methods are?
Visit the Payments page to view stats and options for your chosen market/s, and access useful Payments tools.
I would like to equip my company to accept new forms of payment (for example, bank transfers, e-wallets, etc). How do I go about this?
If you are an existing Google Ads customer (having a Google CID), please contact your Google representative to learn more about our International Payments program, which may include introductions to payment service providers.
I am not sure how to ship my goods to new markets. Does Google/ Market Finder have any information about international shipping process?
Please review Market Finder’s Logistics page for guides and resources to help you get started with your delivery needs.
Does Google/Market Finder have any information on what I need to know before delivering goods to international markets?
Knowing the delivery terms incorporated into your worldwide sales contracts can help reduce any uncertainties and misunderstandings for both you and the buyers of your products. You can get some information by looking at international delivery rules.
Can Market Finder help me understand what I should know about the law and the rules on tax?
Before you start doing business in a new market, make sure you’re aware of local law and policies. Our Tax & Legal section can help you get started.
I would like to recruit employees in international markets. How can Google help?
Check out this helpful information about recruitment when expanding to new markets.
3 Marketing
Does Google have any information about how to market my goods?
Learn more about marketing and advertising in the Market Your Business section of Market Finder.
What products does Google have available for advertising my business?
With Google Ads you can reach potential customers in other countries when they're in a purchasing mindset. You can see how many people have seen your ads, visit your website, or call your business. You can tailor your global Google Ads campaigns to work across Search, Display and Video, so your campaigns can connect with the right audience at the right time. Read more about how to make Google Ads work when you advertise abroad here.
Are there different ways of marketing in international markets?
To help maximize your online exposure in new international markets, increase sales and motivate customers to return, check out How to approach an international Google Ads campaign.
How can I find the right audience in an international market?
To research and tailor your marketing strategy in order to help you find the right audience and message for your new market, visit How to reach the right audience with Display Advertising.
What is the difference between Search and Display ads?
Google Ads has two main networks, Search and Display which, together, span over two million websites, reaching over 90% of people on the Internet.1 When advertising on the Search network, businesses place text ads in the search engine results. On the Display network, businesses instead place display ads across a network of sites. Find out more about Search and Display ads.
Google Ads Help, "About the Google Display Network" ↩
How do I set up a Google Ads Search campaign?
Check out How to approach Search advertising to help you get started creating a Search campaign on Google Ads. Your campaign can help you maximise Google searches for your business, motivate potential customers to take action and get the most from your marketing budget.
How should I approach global video advertising?
Creating a successful Google Ads video advertising campaign so that potential customers in new markets can find out about your product or service means you have to understand the cultural factors and user behaviour in play. Read this guide on understanding each new market’s culture, customs, and what factors motivate purchase. Market Finder offers a number of resources on approaching a global video audience, how to select the right video format and how to make effective video campaigns.
How should I measure the success of my international campaigns?
Measurement is the key to international success. As you move into new international markets, tools like Google Analytics help you make the most of your budget and improve your chances of success. Learn more about Analytics and Measurement.
Where can I find more information on Google Ads?
You can find all the information you need on Google Ads in the Market Your Business section of Market Finder, as well as in the Google Ads Help Centre.