About Market Finder
Grow your business by going global
Today, 4.6 billion people are online around the globe.1 Google's Technical Advisor and former Executive Chairman, Eric Schmidt, has predicted that’s set to rise to 8 billion by 2020.2 All of which adds up to limitless opportunities for your business to reach and engage with potential customers abroad.
Today’s borderless consumer
Customers aren’t concerned where a business is based as long as they are happy with the product or service they receive. 96% of people, for example, didn't know that Booking.com is from the Netherlands and of these, 90% said this wouldn't affect the likelihood of their buying from the company again.3
So, online businesses are born with global expansion in their DNA. It’s quicker and easier than ever to leap into new markets and expand exponentially. It no longer takes years for a business to go global either.
With the right tools and international marketing strategy, whether you’re a bricks and mortar business, a garage start-up or have an established online presence, the barriers to global expansion have never been lower.
By making finding new markets practical, affordable, and achievable, Market Finder makes the pathway to global expansion smoother still.
Research your target markets
First, you need to prioritise the countries where your products or services will appeal most. Market Finder’s interactive pathway can help you pinpoint a shortlist of promising new target markets for your brand, determine the demand for your product or service through local monthly searches, popular market trends, disposable income per capita, internet users and recommended bid.
Plan your operations
Once you’re happy with your shortlist, Market Finder can help you plan operations tailored to your markets of interest, including localisation, payments, customer care, as well as tax, legal, logistics, and recruitment.
Market your business
Market Finder can also help you develop your international marketing strategy. It helps you consider advertising solutions and the importance of analytics and measurement, as well as gives guidance to developers.
The internet has broken down international trading barriers to bring potential customers to your door at lower risk and lower costs. Market Finder makes it easier still. So, if you’re wondering if global digital expansion is right for you and relevant to your industry, Market Finder can help you decide.
Internet World Stats, World Internet Users Statistics and 2019 World Population Stats. Figure estimated as of 31 December 2019 ↩
Eric Schmidt estimate © ↩
UK Google Consumer Surveys 2014 © ↩